
Click on a division name to see its full Yahoo! standings, matchups and transactions.

2023-24 KKUPFL Divisions

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Tier 4

Tier 5

Tier 6

Tier 7

Tier 8

Watch the Season 9 Tier 1 Auction Draft and meet this year's competitors for the ultimate fantasy hockey champion.

KKUPFL ultimate Champions

The KKUPFL Ultimate Champions have climbed to Tier 1 and beaten the best of the best, staking their claims to being crowned the greatest fantasy manager in the world. Will you add your name to this list?

2024: Ryan Wood - "Here It Bo's Again"

2023: Ryan Wood - "Teach Me How To Dougie"

2022: Elan Dubrofsky - "Not Even Close"

2021: Dustin A. - "Primo Pasta"

2020: Max Fredrickson - "Dirty Mac"

2019: Dave Betten - "Gambler's Fallacy"

2018: Brian Kom - "the Flamingos"

2017: Jeff Turcotte - "Chiefs"

President's Trophy (Fast Track)

Since the KKUPFL is a points league, the manager who accumulates the largest number of points over the entire regular season (regardless of their Tier or Division) is the winner of the Fast Track - an immediate promotion to Tier 1 regardless of their current Tier or results in the playoffs.  KKUPFL participants can check their current ranking in the Fast Track standings here